I hope 2022 is treating you well. It certainly is being kind to me! In fact, I think I’d better buy a lottery ticket, because I’m on a lucky streak – knock on wood! After a great summer working with LIVE, IN-PERSON teachers, October was a banner month! I was invited to perform at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN! This annual festival, held on the first weekend of October each year, draws nearly 15,000 people. It features some of the best professional storytellers in the country. This was an invitation I have dreamed of receiving for the past sixteen years, and what made it even more special was the fact that this was the 50th anniversary festival. I performed Deborah Samson, from my play “Revolutionary Women,” for a crowd of about 1,200 people. It was heavenly, and I’m still walking on air! |

Then, at Salubria, an 18th century house west of Fredericksburg, VA, I told the true story of an 18th century murder. The murderer lived in Williamsburg, and people who have stayed in his house say that it is haunted to this day.
And, I did a tour of Mount Vernon and Colonial Williamsburg for some members of the IILACE: International Institute of Law Association Chief Executives: fifteen fun, interesting, interested people from eight different countries. I had a ball! |

WAIT!! SPEAKING OF MOUNT VERNON… November will see the start of a NEW adventure! I have received the great honor of being awarded a month-long paid research fellowship at the Fred W. Smith Library at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate, where I will research and write to turn my play, “Revolutionary Women” into a Middle Grade book! I will divide the month into four week-long visits to Mount Vernon, and my first visit will be later this month. Click here to learn more about it! |
Great! But what about SCHOOL PROGRAMS? Between being away from home on research/writing trips, and the fact thatCovid really, really likes me (I’ve had it twice), I’ve made the difficult decision to perform online again in 2022-23. My prices are the same as last year, and I’m offering a 15% early booking discount on any online program reserved by the end of this year, whether it’s performed in ’22 or ’23. And I’ve made the booking process as easy as I can. Descriptions of my programs are on the “Historical Programs” page of my website: https://americanlives.net/historical-programs/. You can book most programs while you’re there. -OR- You can use one of the following methods: 1. Go directly to my scheduling program to see available dates and book your own program. -OR- 2. Fill out this form -OR- 3. Email me: darci@americanlives.net. And, of course, email me if you have any questions about any of this! Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I have SO much to be thankful for: family, friends, safety and comfort… And I’m thankful for you. I hope you’ve had a good year, too, and that your Thanksgiving is wonderful. Darci |